Here at the Porch we believe that one of the best ways that the church can show the love of Jesus to the world is through foster care and adoption. Even if you aren’t a foster parent yourself, there are lots of ways to help foster families take care of these little ones.

Family Builders is the agency that Jon and Melissa are a part of as foster parents. Every year at Christmas, they do a gift drive where people can buy presents for foster kids. This year, our church is going to jump on board.

Here is the link to participate. Happy Shopping and thanks for pitching in.

Instructions from Family Builders: Each year we call upon our community to help make the Holidays a little brighter for the children and youth in foster care that Family Builders serves. Thank you for your generosity by giving a gift to a child who might not otherwise have one. We would like to have gifts in hand, at the Family Builders office, by December 2nd so we have time to distribute them to the children. You will find a child ID on most items. Please label any gifts that are mailed or dropped off with this ID. You may mail or drop off gift cards. Our address is 1900 Embarcadero Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94606. If sending from an online store and there is an option to send a note, please include the child ID number on the note. This will help us immensely in the sorting process. Also indicate in your shipping instructions that this is a business address so it will be delivered before 5:00pm. If you prefer to purchase any of the gifts from a different retailer, please ensure that it is the same item and in the correct size if applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Thank you again for your generosity in making the holidays special for each and every child!